
On The Eve Of 140th Birthday of Sardar Vallabhai Patel ISTE Chapter PVPSIT Conducted a debate on"Do you feel that Sardar Vallabhai Patel was not given appropriate place in Indian politics  after Idependance".


Various Departments  Mechanical,IT,ECE are Conducted Various Events On The Eve of "Engineers Day".

EEE Department of PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology celebrated Sir Michael Faraday’s 224th birth anniversary on 22nd September 2015. On this eve, Poster Presentation, Model Presentation, Technical Quiz and Technical JAM events were conducted. These events provided a platform to Engineering, Scientific and Innovative creations to describe advancements in Technology. Conducting such an events create an opportunity for students to exhibit their technical skills and knowledge. These events were organized under the guidance of Dr. M. Venugopal Rao, HOD and Dr. M.V Ramesh, Secretary, ISTE Chapter.

Prasad V Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology
Department of Information Technology
TECHZEN – 2K15(Engineers Day Celebrations)
(In association with INTAEL, ISTE)
                                                          Date : 15-9-2015
On the eve of Engineers day   Department of Information technology in association with INTAEL and ISTE conducted Technical events like  Power point presentations, Technical Jam, Technical Astavadhan, TechProPuzzle, Technical poster presentation and give away prizes who won the prize winners and also give participation certifications to the participants.
The following list of members are the prize winners for the events
Power Point presentations:
First Prize   : Krishna Sri(II-S2),Y.Chitra Meghana(II-s2)
Second prize : B.Lahari, K.Akhila

Technical Poster presentation:
First Prize   : K.Akhila, K.pravallika (III-S1)  ( Green computing)
Second prize : K.Sindhura, K.Bhasitha (II-S1) ( Evolutions of Technology)
First Prize   : G.Asha  (III-S1)
Second prize : K.JayaNandana (III-S1)
First Prize   : G.Asha (III-S1), Sk.Ahmed Khaza Hassan (II-S1)
Second Prize: V.Priyanka (III-s2), N.Harsha (II-s2)
Tech ProPuzzle:
First Prize   : V.Neeharika (III-s2), Kavya (III-s2)
Second Prize: S.Suresh (II-s2), N.Harsha (II-s2)

2014-15  Activities

1.       One day training programme on “Effective Teaching Methodologies” on 26-07-2014.
2.       ISTE student chapter of PVPSIT organized events on the eve of Engineers day 6th to 12th September 2014.
3.       ISTE student chapter of PVPSIT organized “Career development programme” in Ground floor seminar hall            for 3rd year students, on Saturday, 31-01-2015 and 21-02-2015.
4.       One day workshop on “Industry Expectations from Engineering Graduates” in Ground floor seminar hall, on            Saturday, 14-02-2015

5.       A series of 20 Webinars on Outcomes Based Education (OBE), effective teaching etc